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Thursday, September 12, 2024

5 Fascinating Facts About Meerkats

 Meerkats are one of the most captivating animals found in the wild, known for their social behavior and keen alertness. Native to the deserts of southern Africa, these small creatures have garnered attention for their quirky characteristics. Here are five interesting facts about meerkats that make them unique:

1. Incredibly Social Animals

Meerkats are highly social creatures that live in large groups known as "mobs" or "clans," typically consisting of 20-50 individuals. Their social structure is cooperative, with every member of the group playing a role. One of the most notable behaviors is their teamwork in taking care of the young, often referred to as "babysitting," where individuals take turns watching over the pups while others forage for food.

2. Natural Sentinels

One of the most well-known traits of meerkats is their ability to stand upright, often on their hind legs, while scanning the environment for predators. At least one meerkat in the group is always on the lookout, serving as a sentinel to warn the others of potential dangers, such as eagles or snakes. This lookout system is crucial for the clan's survival.

3. Desert Survivors

Meerkats have adapted to thrive in harsh desert environments like the Kalahari Desert. Despite the extreme temperatures and scarcity of water, they are able to survive by obtaining moisture from the food they eat, such as insects, small reptiles, and plants. They dig extensive burrow systems, which provide them with shelter from the heat and a safe place to rest.

4. Communicate with Complex Vocalizations

Meerkats use a wide range of vocalizations to communicate with each other. They have distinct calls for various situations, such as alerting the group to danger, coordinating movements, or identifying individual members. Each vocalization has a specific meaning, and meerkats are highly attuned to these signals.

5. Alpha Female Leadership

In a meerkat clan, the alpha female is the dominant figure, and she usually makes most of the decisions. She is the only female in the group that typically breeds, with the other females often acting as caretakers for her offspring.

These fascinating animals demonstrate remarkable teamwork, adaptability, and communication skills, making them one of the most intriguing species in the animal kingdom.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

5 Facts about Beluga Whale

I recently saw a video on how a friendly beluga whale spots a kayaker and plays with him.

It was a beautiful video and inspired me to write this week’s 5 facts about blog:-)

Beluga Whale

  1. Fact No 1

Known as the loudest of all whale species, this one has teeth but do not chew their food, they swallow their prey whole.

  1. Fact No 2

They are dark grey in colour like dolphins when they are born and may take 8 years till they completely turn white

  1. Fact No 3

A newborn Beluga can be as long as 5 feet (as tall as Shakira)

  1. Fact No 4

These lovely creatures can swim backwards, isn’t that fun?

  1. Fact No 5

The lifespan of a Beluga whales varies from 35-50 years

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

5 Facts about Dzo

Dzo is yet another animal I learnt about in Leh, a district in Jammu & Kashmir. It is a hybrid that is a cross between a Yak and a Cow

Fact No 1
Female Dzo is called Dzomo

Fact No 2
Dzo is considered stronger than Yak in terms of surviving at high elevations, due to Cow ancestry

Fact No 3
They weigh around 580 kgs

Fact No 4
Males are sterile and Females are not that sterile

Fact No 5

Dzo are also known as Yakow, a combination of yak and cow

5 Facts About Marmot

I was first introduced to a marmot when I had been to Leh, it is a district in Jammu & Kashmir, which is amazingly beautiful and serene.

Fact No 1
There are from the squirrel family and there are around 15 species of Marmots in the world

Fact No 2
Gaining weight is a cool thing amongst Marmot’s as it’s a sign of preparing for hibernation, which happens throughout winter and the cooler part is they shed those extra pounds by February

Fact No 3
Lifespan is about 6 years

Fact No 4
Alpine Marmots form colonies of anywhere between 2 – 50 in one borrow system

Fact No 5

Apparently not many people know that Marmots can be found in India as well

5 Facts About Monkeys

I am not very fond of my own kind – Monkeys. I think that’s because they are very much like a few humans such as greedy and snatchers

Anyway let’s get on to our list of 5 interesting facts about Monkeys

Fact No 1
There are more than 200+ Monkey Species

Fact No 2
Apes are not Monkey’s

Fact No 3
Largest Monkey is Mandrill weighing about 35kgs

Fact No 4
Monkeys don’t ever catch cold

Fact No 5
Monkeys spend hours each day grooming one another 

5 Facts About Elephants

Elephant is my favorite animal and I am thoroughly enjoying writing about it.

Let’s quickly point down the 5 amazing facts about this amazing animal

Fact No 1
Elephants also eat bamboo, just like our teddy bear Panda’s. Besides on an average an adult elephant can eat 300 -400 lbs of food per day. Wow now that’s a good appetite

Fact No 2
Elephants too have memories. So go ahead and try to create some with the you meet

Fact No 3
Rainy Season is the Mating Season for Elephants and they keep the baby in their womb for around 22 months, that’s almost 2 years

Fact No 4
A Baby Elephant can weigh anywhere between 200 – 250 lbs

Fact no 5
There are only 3 types of Elephants in the world

There are other facts as well about elephants such as, Their Brain weighs about 5 kgs, Only male Elephants have tusks. I’ll try and update the list next time

Monday, December 30, 2013

5 Facts About Dolphins

I love knowing facts, I mean who doesn’t? Anyway, so I thought as a part of my learning process, I could start writing about it and may be pass on the information to others as well.

So here you go, I’ll start with my favorite animal, or should I say mammal, Dolphins

Fact No 1

Dolphins don’t have facial muscles, which means they can’t give any facial expressions, unlike humans, but god created bottlenose dolphins with a default smiling face J

Fact No 2

There are around 36 different kinds of ocean dolphins and 5 species of Bottlenose dolphin, I have put up a photo of a bottlenose dolphin, for your reference

Fact No 3

Ocra, which is popularly known as Killer WHALE, is a type of dolphin, which apparently is the largest one in the lot

Fact No 4

Like Humans, Dolphins too have hair, but not for too long, it falls off soon after their birth

Fact No 5

Dolphins cannot breathe under water, but can stay under water for up to 15 minutes. So if you are lucky enough, you might just be able to see those bottlenose dolphins jumping in the oceans every 15 minute J

More Facts Coming up on other stuff..until then happy reading :-)